Friday 14 September 2012

Transition Of Image & Sound

The Transition Of Images is essentially the combination of various shots and scenes for many effects such as the passage of time, movement from location to location, to express a desired tone, mood or atmosphere. It can also be used to simply continue on with the story or for the likes of cutaways and side stories. Regardless of the desired reasoning for the splicing of these scenes and shots together it makes a scene far more entertaining and appealing for the audience to watch and follow with relative ease.

The Transition Of Sound is more or less similar to that of images in that it is essentially the splicing of various noises, sounds, music and soundtracks to create various effects. This is often brought upon by a change is scene location, mood, to indicate a critical event has occurred, for humorous or dramatic effect. This combination of noises as such which in turn is combined with the splicing of images etc. it makes for an extremely entertaining and engaging scene.

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