Wednesday 26 September 2012

Ellipsis & Expansion Of Time


Expansion Of Time:

My interpretation of Ellipsis is basically when a cut, effect or transaction is used while editing to signify the passage of time or remove unneeded scenes from a film such as a walk down the street to the shop as apposed to editing the scene removing the traversal of the street and just showing the person arrive at the shop. Expansion Of Time is basically the opposite, essentially a form of slow motion as it shows the slow passage of time as opposed to the swiftness of its passage with Ellipsis.

I think Ellipsis was used in the above scene to remove some unneeded content and skip straight to the important plot point to keep the audience engaged.

I believe Expansion Of Time was used in the above scene similarly to slow motion as it communicates time is ticking away as these people entertaining themselves through bowling, possibly foreshadowing an event in a dynamic fashion.

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