Friday 14 September 2012

The Importance Of Editing

Editing is one of if not the most crucial part in filming. The transitioning between scenes whether it be with images, sounds or effects it makes the overall film/ individual scene far more entertaining and visually/ aurally enjoyable. Editing can transform a seemingly average acted scene and transform in into a more aesthetically pleasing scenario. The use of CGI has been met with almost a certain stigma surrounding it, as its overuse has almost made redundant the need for actual actors and skilled acting. Nevertheless it along with the mass of various mixing, splicing, angles, compositions methods etc. editing remains a pivotal part of designing a making a film. The combining of images and sounds to make a much more smooth streamline transaction between scenes and the correct use of various composition techniques and camera angles contributes greatly to how well the components of the scene fit together and how well in turn this will be received by the audience.

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