Tuesday 16 October 2012

Colour Design

My interpretation of Colour design is when the particular selection of a colour, various colours, texture or material to communicate an emotion, mood, idea, atmosphere, tone or time period i.e Red can be used to represent red or passion, combined with other materials such as silk to create robes, these can be used to portray royalty or power, similarly red lighting can be used to communicate a romantic atmosphere if used appropriately.

In the above clip the overall theme is that of a western, as a result a lot of almost stereotypical western cliches have been used most often being the inclusion of dust dirt and the overall orange, brown and yellow tint and excess of colour. The use of this small range of colour automatically sets the location and atmosphere for each scene as anyone can recognised where the scene appears to be set (in). It also makes the scene more aesthetically pleasing.

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