Monday, 8 April 2013

Shooting Schedule (Final)

This was the shooting schedule that we aimed to stick to, and we did extremely well. On numerous occasions we filmed when we could outside of these designated times to achieve better shots or re-shoot certain shots. Weather conditions at certain points impeded outdoor filming for a short duration, instead we chose to film our indoor scenes during these periods.

 - 13th March - Filming - Outdoor - park scene.

 - 14th March - Filming - Outdoor - park scene.

 - 15th March - Filming - Outdoor - Finish environment shots.
                         Filming - Indoor - Bedroom/Bathroom scenes.

 - 16th March - None scheduled - Blogger Work.

 - 17th March - None scheduled - Blogger Work.

 - 18th March - None scheduled - Blogger Work.

 - 19th March - Filming - Outdoor - Finishing shots.

 - 20th March - Filming -  Indoor - Lighting shots.

 - 21st March - Filming - Indoor - Lighting shots.

 - 22nd  March - Filming - Outside - Environmental Shots.

 - 29th March - Final re-shoots.

Friday, 5 April 2013

Storyboards (Final)

This was the basis for which we decided to film, we wrote detailed notes on the various aspects that would be part of each respective scene, under each storyboard sketch.

[Update] This was only the foundation for which we filmed our film, as we progressed we discovered what will work, what won't work and what can be improved, these storyboards were critical in this process.